Antonia Morita Iswari Saktiawati

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Antonia Morita Iswari Saktiawati

Antonia Morita Iswari Saktiawati is a doctor and lecturer at Gadjah Mada University’s (UGM) Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing. She also works as a researcher at the UGM Center for Tropical Medicine. Her current research interests include pulmonology and infectious diseases, specifically tuberculosis. She got her MD from the Universitas Gadjah Mada, has a graduate certificate in international public health from the University of New South Wales in Australia, and a PhD in tuberculosis from the University of Groningen in the Netherlands. She has received several important awards for her research work, including The Conversation Indonesia’s Science Leadership Collaborative Award in 2022, the European Respiratory Society’s Long-Term Research Scholarship Award in 2021, and the New Star Award at the 7th International Workshop on Lungs. Best Young Scientist Award from the Center for Tropical Medicine UGM in 2020, and Schlumberger Faculty for the Future Award in 2014.

Latest publications

Research interests



Infectious Diseases



Center for Tropical Medicine

Department of Internal Medicine, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Current Projects

eNose TB

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