Project Description
COPCOV – Chloroquine/Hydroxychloroquine Prevention of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)
StudyFor two years, we’ve been living in the COVID-19 pandemic. This situation forced everything to adapt quickly, especially the healthcare field. Some medications, like a vaccine, usually need years to be approved. But again, COVID-19 played its ace, making them (COVID-19 vaccines) skip the queue and get reviewed earlier. Almost 4.78 billion people were fully vaccinated after the first vaccine was approved nearly a year ago. This has covered 61.3% of the population. Unfortunately, not everybody can get the vaccines regarding their condition. Thus, an alternative preventive measurement is needed to protect people from COVID-19 infection.
The term Chloroquine/Hydroxychloroquine might be unknown to some of us. Still, the footprint of this medicine was widely known to prevent malaria. Interestingly, a study found that Chloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine demonstrate an antiviral activity toward the SARS-CoV-2 virus. This finding shares hope for people who cannot be vaccinated due to certain conditions. High-risk people can benefit from those drug therapy as a preventive action against COVID-19.
A multi-site trial in 25 locations: Benin, Côte D’Ivoire, Indonesia, Kenya, Mali, Nepal, Pakistan, Thailand, United Kingdom, and Zambia.
Partners in Indonesia:

February-March 2022
Principal Investigator
Yanri Wijayanti Subronto
This clinical trial massively recruited 40,000 unvaccinated individuals in 25 study locations worldwide. For Indonesia, this study took place in five hospitals in Yogyakarta, Medan, and Surabaya. For about a year, the researchers geared up on searching for volunteers. The participants would be randomly selected to receive chloroquine or a placebo. They need to take the medication for 3-5 months. During that time, researchers will do a blood test and follow them up for any signs and symptoms.
Ninety-day of monitoring for participants who receive chloroquine or placebo

The Project Team (Yogyakarta Site)

Another team:
- dr. Anggoro Budi Hartopo, Sp.PD., Sp.JP
- dr. Nur Rahmi Ananda, Sp.PD., FINASIM
- dr. Prenali Dwisthi Sattwika, Sp.PD
- dr. Siti Nur Rohmah, Sp.PD
- dr. Pranindya Rinastiti, PhD
- Sarastia Napitupulu
- Dionita Rani Karyono
- F. Linda Tri Pramatasari
- Lusiana Endah Sri Wahyuni
- Mohamad Zaenal Abidin Pebrianti Sumarningsih
- Feni D. D.