Annual Reports

Scientific Publication
Ahmad, R. A., Imron, M., Ramadona, A. L., dkk. (2023). Modeling social interaction and metapopulation mobility of the COVID-19 pandemic in main cities of highly populated Java Island, Indonesia: An agent-based modeling approach. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 10., R. A., Indriani, C., Arisanti, R. R., dkk. (2023). Seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 and risk factors in Bantul Regency in March-April 2021, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. PLOS Global Public Health, 3(6), e0000698.
Hardiawan, D., Juwita, M. N., Vadra, J., dkk. (2023). Cost of improved test and treat strategies in Indonesia: a study of HATI implementation trial. AIDS, 37(8), 1189–1201.
Indriani, C., Tanamas, S. K., Khasanah, U., dkk. (2023). Impact of randomised wmel Wolbachia deployments on notified dengue cases and insecticide fogging for dengue control in Yogyakarta City. Global Health Action, 16(1).
Lestari, T., Fuady, A., Yani, F. F., dkk. (2023). The development of the national tuberculosis research priority in Indonesia: A comprehensive mixed-method approach. PLOS ONE, 18(2), e0281591.
Rosenberger, K., Lam, P. K., Tobian, F., dkk. (2023). Early diagnostic indicators of dengue versus other febrile illnesses in Asia and Latin America (IDAMS study): a multicentre, prospective, observational study. The Lancet Global Health, 11(3), e361–e372.
Sattwika, P. D., Subronto, Y. W., Retnowulan, dkk. (2023b). Anti-cytomegalovirus preemptive therapy to prevent cytomegalovirus disease in HIV-infected patients: a systematic review. Infectious Diseases, 55(3), 221–233.
Singh, K., Carvalho, A. C. C., Centis, R., dkk. (2023). Clinical standards for the management of adverse effects during treatment for TB. International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 27(7), 506–519.
Fuad, A., Tiara, A., Kusumasari, R. A., Rimawati, R., & Murhandarwati, E. E. H. (2023). Introducing a regulatory sandbox into the Indonesian health system using e-Malaria as a use case: Participatory Action Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 25, e47706.
Bannister-Tyrrell, M., Hillman, A., Indriani, C., Ahmad, R. A., Utarini, A., Simmons, C. P., Anders, K. L., & Sergeant, E. (2023). Utility of surveillance data for planning for dengue elimination in Yogyakarta, Indonesia: a scenario-tree modelling approach. BMJ Global Health, 8(11), e013313.
Ananda, N. R., Triasih, R., Dwihardiani, B., dkk. (2023). Spectrum of TB disease and treatment outcomes in a mobile community based active case finding program in Yogyakarta Province, Indonesia. Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease, 8(9), 447.
Gunadi, G., Hakim, M. S., Wibawa, H., dkk. (2023). Prognostic factors for the outcomes of COVID-19 patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 Omicron and Delta variants. BMC Medical Genomics, 16(1).
Subronto, Y. W., Kusmayanti, N. A., Januraga, P. P., dkk. (2022). Simplified clinical algorithm for immediate antiretroviral therapy initiation. Indian Journal of Medical Research, 156(6), 729–741.
Gazali, F. M., Wijayanti, N., Hakim, M. S., dkk. (2023). The high mutation rate at the D614G hotspot-furin cleavage site region increases the priming efficiency of the Spike protein by furin protease: analysis of Indonesian SARS-CoV-2 G614 variants obtained during the early COVID-19 pandemic. Virusdisease, 34(2), 321–330.
Sukmaningrum, E., Ayu, A. P., Wongso, L. V., dkk. (2023). Motivational Interviewing as an Intervention to Improve Antiretroviral Treatment Initiation among People who Inject Drugs (PWID): A Pilot Study in Jakarta and Bandung, Indonesia. Current Drug Research Reviews, 16(1), 81–89.
Wibawati, P. A., Hartadi, E. B., Kartikasari, A. M., dkk. (2023). Prevalence and profile of antimicrobial resistance in Escherichia coli isolated from broiler meat in East Java, Indonesia. International Journal of One Health, 27–31.
Wijoyo, E. B., Daulima, N. H. C., Wardani, I. Y., & Rosyad, H. R. (2023). The impact of therapeutic group therapy on the life purpose of elderly people suffering from loneliness. International Journal of Public Health Science, 12(3), 1209.
Saraswati, U., Supriyati, E., Rahayu, dkk. (2023). Kajian aspek keamanan nyamuk Aedes aegypti Linnaeus ber-Wolbachia di Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Jurnal Entomologi Indonesia, 20(2), 117., M. S. N., Murdiati, D., Tukiyo, I. W., & Yuliyani, I. P. (2023). The Disruptions-Related Tuberculosis Case Finding and Treatment in Indonesia during COVID-19. Jurnal Promkes: The Indonesian Journal of Health Promotion and Health Education, 11(2), 127–132.
Leaflet PINTAR: Cara Penggunaan Antibiotik yang TepatFlyer Pintar: Apakah Anda Benar-Benar Membutuhkan Antibiotik
Flipchart PINTAR
Poster Resistensi Antibiotik PINTAR
Manual Fasilitator dan Administrator Kegiatan Peer Visit (Kunjungan Rekan Sejawat)
Modul Peer Supervision sebagai pedoman pelaksanaan kegiatan peer visit (kunjungan rekan sejawat)
Standardized Patient Manual Book
Abolhassani-Chimeh, R., Akkerman, O. W., Saktiawati, A. M. I., dkk. (2022). Population Pharmacokinetic Modelling and Limited Sampling Strategies for Therapeutic Drug Monitoring of Pyrazinamide in Patients with Tuberculosis. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 66(7).
Ahmad, R. A., Nelli, L., Surendra, H., dkk. (2022). A framework for evaluating
health system surveillance sensitivity to support public health decision-making for malaria elimination: a case study from Indonesia. BMC Infectious Diseases, 22(1)., O. W., Duarte, R., Tiberi, S., dkk. (2022). Clinical International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 26(7), 592–604.
Arguni, E., Indriani, C., Rahayu, A., dkk. (2022). Dengue virus population genetics in Yogyakarta, Indonesia prior to city-wide Wolbachia deployment. Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 102, 105308.
Azizatunnisa’, L., Cintyamena, U., Bura, V., dkk. (2022). Maintaining Polio-Free Status in Indonesia During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Global Health: Science and Practice, 10(1), e2100310.
Buchori, D., Mawan, A., Nurhayati, I., dkk. (2022). Risk Assessment on the Release of Wolbachia-Infected Aedes aegypti in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Insects, 13(10), 924.
Cintyamena, U., Murhandarwati, E. E. H., Elyazar, I., dkk. (2022). Identifying forms of interventions towards cross border malaria in the Asia-Pacic region: a scoping review protocol. BMJ Open, 12(2), e056265.
Diptyanusa, A., Sari, I. P., & Kurniawan, A. (2022). Asymptomatic Cryptosporidiosis in Children Living with HIV. Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease, 7(11), 352.
Dufault, S. M., Tanamas, S. K., Indriani, C., dkk. (2022). Disruption of spatiotemporal clustering in dengue cases by wMel Wolbachia in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Scientic Reports, 12(1).
Ferdiana, A., Fachiroh, J., Oktarina, D. A. M., dkk. (2022). Allopurinol-Induced Stevens–Johnson Syndrome in Javanese Men With Positive HLA‐B*58:01. Frontiers in Genetics, 13.
Kalbarczyk, A., Closser, S., Hirpa, S., dkk. (2022). A light touch intervention with a heavy lift – gender, space and risk in a global vaccination programme. Global Public Health, 1–14.
Kalbarczyk, A., Hood, E., Azizatunnisa, L., dkk. (2022). Development, Implementation, and Evaluation of a New Course on Essential Skills for Women’s Leadership in Global Health. Annals of Global Health, 88(1).
Krismawati, H., Ferdiana, A., Irwanto, A., dkk. (2022). Implementation of genetic screening test to reduce the incidence of dapsone hypersensitivity syndrome among patients with leprosy in Papua, Indonesia: a study protocol. BMJ Open, 12(5), e057173.
Langi, G. G., Rahadi, A., Praptoraharjo, I., dkk. (2022). HIV-related stigma and discrimination among health care workers during early program decentralization in rural district Gunungkidul, Indonesia: a cross-sectional study. BMC Health Services Research, 22(1).
Lestari, T., Kamaludin, Lowbridge, C., dkk. (2022). Impacts of tuberculosis services strengthening and the COVID-19 pandemic on case detection and treatment outcomes in Mimika District, Papua, Indonesia: 2014–2021. PLOS
Global Public Health, 2(9), e0001114., Y., Lestari, T., & Djalante, R. (2022). Strengthening government’s response to COVID-19 in Indonesia: A modied Delphi study of medical and health academics. PLOS ONE, 17(9), e0275153.
Main, S., Dwihardiani, B., Hidayat, A., dkk. (2022). Knowledge and attitudes towards TB among healthcare workers in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Public Health Action, 12(3), 133–140.
Mashuri, Y. A., Wulandari, L. P. L., Khan, M., dkk. (2022). The response to COVID-19 among drug retail outlets in Indonesia: A cross-sectional survey of knowledge, attitudes, and practices. The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacic, 22, 100420.
Murni, I. K., Oktaria, V., Handley, A., dkk. (2022). The feasibility of SARS-CoV-2 surveillance using wastewater and environmental sampling in Indonesia. PLOS ONE, 17(10), e0274793.
Nanda, R. O., Nursetyo, A. A., Ramadona, A. L., dkk. (2022). Community Mobility and COVID-19 Dynamics in Jakarta, Indonesia. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(11), 6671.
Nurputra, D. K., Kusumaatmaja, A., Hakim, M. S., dkk. (2022). Fast and noninvasive electronic nose for snifng out COVID-19 based on exhaled breath-print recognition. Npj Digital Medicine, 5(1).
Puspitarani, F., Sitaresmi, M. N., & Ahmad, R. A. (2022). Adverse events following immunization of COVID-19 vaccine among children aged 6–11 years. Frontiers in Public Health, 10.
Rosyad, H. R., Geater, A. F., Indriani, C., & Ahmad, R. A. (2022). Awareness and perception of Wolbachia-infected Aedes aegypti as a dengue control method among residents of Yogyakarta Municipality. Journal of Public
Health and Development, 20(2)., A., Daniwijaya, E. W., Supriyanti, E., dkk. (2022). Wolbachia genetic similarity in different insect host species: Drosophila melanogaster and Yogyakarta’s (Indonesia) Aedes aegypti as a novel host. Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity, 23(5).
Tantowijoyo, W., Tanamas, S. K., Nurhayati, I., dkk. (2022). Aedes aegypti abundance and insecticide resistance proles in the Applying Wolbachia to Eliminate Dengue trial. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 16(4), e0010284.
Wijayanti, N., Gazali, F. M., Supriyati, E., Hakim, M. S., Arguni, E., Daniwijaya, M. E. W., Nuryastuti, T., Nuhamunada, M., Nabilla, R., Haryana, S. M., & Wibawa, T. (2022). Evolutionary dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 circulating in Yogyakarta and Central Java, Indonesia: sequence analysis covering furin cleavage site (FCS) region of the spike protein. International Microbiology, 25(3), 531–540.
Indriani, C., Tantowijoyo, W., Rancès, E., Andari, B., Prabowo, E., Yusdi, D., Ansari, M. R., Wardana, D. S., Supriyati, E., Nurhayati, I., Ernesia, I., Setyawan, S., Fitriana, I., Arguni, E., Amelia, Y., Ahmad, R. A., Jewell, N. P., Dufault, S. M., Ryan, P. A., Green, B. R., … Utarini, A. (2020). Reduced dengue incidence following deployments of Wolbachia-infected Aedes aegypti in Yogyakarta, Indonesia: a quasi-experimental trial using controlled interrupted time series analysis. Gates open research 4, 50.
Tantowijoyo W., Andari B., Arguni E., Budiwati N., Nurhayati I., et al. (2020). Stable establishment of wMel Wolbachia in Aedes aegypti populations in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases 14, 4.
Anders, K.L., Indriani, C., Ahmad, R.A. et al. (2020). Update to the AWED (Applying Wolbachia to Eliminate Dengue) trial study protocol: a cluster randomised controlled trial in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Trials 21, 429.
Kumalawati, D.A., Supriyati, E., Rachman, M.P., Oktriani, R., Kurniasari. I., Candrasari, D.S., Hidayati, L., Handayaningsih, A.E., Probowati, V.C., Arianto, B., Wardana, D.S., Pramuko, N.B., Utari, A., Tantowijoyo, W., Arguni, E. (2020). Wolbachia infection prevalence as common insects’ endosymbiont in the rural area of Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 21, 5608-5614.
Alonge, O., Neel, A.H., Kalbarczyk, A. et al. (2020). Synthesis and translation of research and innovations from polio eradication (STRIPE): initial findings from a global mixed methods study. BMC Public Health 20, 1176.
Kalbarczyk, A., Rao, A., Mahendradhata, Y. et al. (2020). Evaluating the process of partnership and research in global health: reflections from the STRIPE project. BMC Public Health 20, 1058.
Peters, M.A., Deressa, W., Sarker, M. et al. (2020). Sampling method for surveying complex and multi-institutional partnerships: lessons from the Global Polio Eradication Initiative. BMC Public Health 20, 1197.
Surendra, H., Supargiyono, Ahmad, R.A. et al. (2020). Using health facility-based serological surveillance to predict receptive areas at risk of malaria outbreaks in elimination areas. BMC Med 18, 9.
Subronto Y.W., Kusmayanti N.A., Abdalla A.S., Sattwika P.D. (2020). Nevirapine and tuberculosis predict first-line treatment failure in HIV patients in Indonesia: Case-control study. Ann Med Surg (Lond) 60, 56-60. doi: 10.1016/j.amsu.2020.10.005.
Hertanti N.S., Huang MC., Chang C.M., Fetzer S.J., Kao C.Y. (2020). Knowledge and comfort related to palliative care among Indonesian primary health care providers. Aust J Prim Health 26, 6. doi: 10.1071/PY20111. PMID: 33292928.
Nur, D.N., Andono, R.A., Tunas, A.W., Wiku,A., Haniena D., Andrew C. H., Zisis, K. (2020). Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviors on Utilizing Mobile Health Technology for TB in Indonesia: A Qualitative Pilot Study. Frontiers in Public Health 8, 579. DOI=10.3389/fpubh.2020.531514.
Kridaningsih, T.N., Sukmana, D.J., Mufidah, H., Diptyanusa, A., Kusumasari, A.A., Burdam F.H., Kenangalem, E., Poespoprodjo, J.R., Fuad, A., Mahendradhata, Y., Supargiyono, S., Utzinger, J., Becker, S.L., E. Murhandarwati, E.H. (2020). Epidemiology and risk factors of Strongyloides stercoralis infection in Papua, Indonesia: a molecular diagnostic study. Acta Tropica 209, 105575.
Gyem, K., Ahmad, R.A., Mahendradhata, Y. (2020). Implementation fidelity of tuberculosis infection prevention and control practices in three hospitals with the highest notified tuberculosis cases in Bhutan: a mixed method study. Journal of Global Health Reports 4. doi:10.29392/001c.14140
Dorji, K., Lestari, T., Jamtsho, S. et al. (2020). Implementation fidelity of hospital based directly observed therapy for tuberculosis treatment in Bhutan: mixed-method study. BMC Public Health 20, 533.
Hermawan, B., Paramita, D.K., Rahayujati, T.B., Hartati, D., Fachiroh, J. (2020). Smoking is associated with IgA-EBV titer among healthy male in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Science, 16(SUPP15), 6-10.
Murhandarwati, E.E.H, Herningtyas, E.H., Puspawati, P., Mau, F., Chen, S.B., Shen, H.M., Chen, J.H. (2020). Genetic diversity of Merozoite surface protein 1-42 (MSP1-42) fragment of Plasmodium vivax from Indonesian isolates: Rationale implementation of candidate MSP1 vaccine. Infect Genet Evol, 85, 104573. doi: 10.1016/j.meegid.2020.104573.
Utami, W. S., Murhandarwati, E. H., Artama, W. T., & Kusnanto, H. (2020). Cryptosporidium Infection Increases the Risk for Chronic Diarrhea Among People Living With HIV in Southeast Asia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health, 32(1), 8–18.
Margineanu, I., Louka, C., Vincenti-Gonzalez, M., Saktiawati, A., Schierle, J., Abass, K. M., Akkerman, O., Alffenaar, J. W., Ranchor, A. V., & Stienstra, Y. (2020). Patients and Medical Staff Attitudes Toward the Future Inclusion of eHealth in Tuberculosis Management: Perspectives From Six Countries Evaluated using a Qualitative Framework. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 8(11), e18156.
Sriwahyuni, E., Fuad, A., Ahmad, R.A., Rustamaji, R., Gunadi, Herini, E.S. (2020). Spatiotemporal proximity of rubella cases to the occurrence of congenital rubella syndrome in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Med J Malaysia. May;75(Suppl 1), 41-47. PMID: 32483106. -
Kristanti H, Meyanti F, Wijayanti MA, Mahendradhata Y, Polman K, Chappuis F, Utzinger J, Becker SL, Murhandarwati EEH. Diagnostic comparison of Baermann funnel, Koga agar plate culture and polymerase chain reaction for detection of human Strongyloides stercoralis infection in Maluku, Indonesia. Parasitol Res. 2018 Oct;117(10):3229-3235. doi: 10.1007/s00436-018-6021-5. Epub 2018 Aug 3. PubMed PMID: 30074085.
Becker SL, Yap P, Horié NS, Alirol E, Barbé B, Bhatta NK, Bhattarai NR, Bottieau E, Chatigre JK, Coulibaly JT, Fofana HK, Jacobs J, Karki P, Khanal B, Knopp S, Koirala K, Mahendradhata Y, Mertens P, Meyanti F, Murhandarwati EH, N’Goran EK, Peeling RW, Pradhan B, Ravinetto R, Rijal S, Sacko M, Saye R, Schneeberger PH, Schurmans C, Silué KD, Steinmann P, van Loen H, Verdonck K, van Lieshout L, von Müller L, Yao JA, Boelaert M, Chappuis F, Polman K, Utzinger J. Experiences and Lessons from a Multicountry NIDIAG Study on Persistent Digestive Disorders in the Tropics. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2016 Nov 3;10(11):e0004818. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0004818. eCollection 2016 Nov. PubMed PMID: 27812101; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5094778.
Jaenisch T, Tam DT, Kieu NT, Van Ngoc T, Nam NT, Van Kinh N, Yacoub S, Chanpheaktra N, Kumar V, See LL, Sathar J, Sandoval EP, Alfaro GM, Laksono IS, Mahendradhata Y, Sarker M, Ahmed F, Caprara A, Benevides BS, Marques ET, Magalhaes T, Brasil P, Netto M, Tami A, Bethencourt SE, Guzman M, Simmons C, Quyen NT, Merson L, Dung NT, Beck D, Wirths M, Wolbers M, Lam PK, Rosenberger K, Wills B (2016) Clinical evaluation of dengue and identification of risk factors for severe disease: protocol for a multicentre study in 8 countries. BMC Infect Dis 16: 120.
Ravinetto R, Alirol E, Mahendradhata Y, Rijal S, Lutumba P, Sacko M, El-Safi S, Lim K, van Loen H, Jacobs J, Peeling RW, Chappuis F, Boelaert M. Clinical Research in Neglected Tropical Diseases: The Challenge of Implementing Good Clinical (Laboratory) Practices. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2016 Nov 3;10(11):e0004654. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0004654. eCollection 2016 Nov. PubMed PMID: 27812089; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5094655.
Ravinetto R, Becker SL, Sacko M, El-Safi S, Mahendradhata Y, Lutumba P, Rijal S, Lim K, Sundar S, N’Goran EK, Verdonck K, Utzinger J, Chappuis F, Boelaert M. Governance and Standards in International Clinical Research: The Role of Transnational Consortia. Am J Bioeth. 2016 Oct;16(10):59-61. doi: 10.1080/15265161.2016.1214317. PubMed PMID: 27653405.
Polman K, Becker SL, Alirol E, Bhatta NK, Bhattarai NR, Bottieau E, Bratschi MW, Burza S, Coulibaly JT, Doumbia MN, Horié NS, Jacobs J, Khanal B, Landouré A, Mahendradhata Y, Meheus F, Mertens P, Meyanti F, Murhandarwati EH, N’Goran EK, Peeling RW, Ravinetto R, Rijal S, Sacko M, Saye R, Schneeberger PH, Schurmans C, Silué KD, Thobari JA, Traoré MS, van Lieshout L, van Loen H, Verdonck K, von Müller L, Yansouni CP, Yao JA, Yao PK, Yap P, Boelaert M, Chappuis F, Utzinger J. Erratum to: Diagnosis of neglected tropical diseases among patients with persistent digestive disorders (diarrhoea and/or abdominal pain ≥14 days): a multi-country, prospective, non-experimental case-control study. BMC Infect Dis. 2015 Nov 4;15:499. doi: 10.1186/s12879-015-1160-0. PubMed PMID: 26537896; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4634142.
Becker SL, Vogt J, Knopp S, Panning M, Warhurst DC, Polman K, Marti H, von Müller L, Yansouni CP, Jacobs J, Bottieau E, Sacko M, Rijal S, Meyanti F, Miles MA, Boelaert M, Lutumba P, van Lieshout L, N’Goran EK, Chappuis F, Utzinger J. Persistent digestive disorders in the tropics: causative infectious pathogens and reference diagnostic tests. BMC Infect Dis. 2013 Jan 24;13:37. doi: 10.1186/1471-2334-13-37. Review. PubMed PMID: 23347408; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3579720.
Badurdeen S, Valladares DB, Farrar J, Gozzer E, Kroeger A, Kuswara N, Ranzinger SR, Tinh HT, Leite P, Mahendradhata Y, Skewes R, Verrall A (2013) Sharing experiences: towards an evidence based model of dengue surveillance and outbreak response in Latin America and Asia. BMC Public Health 13: 607.
Farrar JJ, Hien TT, Horstick O, Hung NT, Jaenisch T, Junghanns T, Kroeger A, Laksono IS, Lum L, Martinez E, Simmons CP, Tami A, Tomashek KM, Wills BA (2013) Dogma in classifying dengue disease. Am J Trop Med Hyg 89: 198-201.
Stahl HC, Butenschoen VM, Tran HT, Gozzer E, Skewes R, Mahendradhata Y, Runge-Ranzinger S, Kroeger A, Farlow A (2013) Cost of dengue outbreaks: literature review and country case studies. BMC Public Health 13: 1048.
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