Showcasing Innovation: Zero TB Yogyakarta at Seoul Symposium on Tuberculosis

In November 2024, Zero TB Yogyakarta had the opportunity to present their work at regional and international meeting. The first meeting was the 7th International Symposium on ‘Seeking Ways to Eliminate Tuberculosis in Asia’, held on November 6–7, 2024, at Seoul National University, Seoul, Republic of Korea. This symposium, recognized for conveying key issues in tuberculosis research and program development across Asia, also being a platform to share innovative approaches and foster collaboration in high-burden TB regions. Representing Zero TB Yogyakarta, Dani Catrianingsih, Field Coordinator of Zero TB Yogyakarta, delivered a presentation in Session 2, with main topics on “Strategies, Experiences, and Impact Assessment of Introducing Innovative Technologies in the National TB Program in Asian High-Burden TB Countries”. This session focused on transitioning from project-based initiatives to sustainable national programs. Zero TB Yogyakarta shared insights into its implementation of Active Case Finding (ACF) for tuberculosis in Yogyakarta. A proactive approach to screen TB cases through mobile Rontgen and Artificial Intelligence (AI). In this presentation, Zero TB Yogyakarta highlighted the importance of integrating community and stakeholder engagement with technological advancements to enhance tuberculosis detection.

The second meeting was “High Level Meeting on Tuberculosis”, which was a preconference of the Union World Conference on Lung Health 2024 in Denpasar, Bali on 11 November 2024. The aim of this meeting was to spotlight recent introductions and discuss the pipeline of innovations in TB prevention, vaccines, diagnostics, treatment, genomics and surveillance, delivery mechanisms, and financing. Dr. Rina Triasih, the project director of Zero TB Yogyakarta, shared Zero TB experiences in expanding active case finding using mobile X-ray in Indonesia in the session of “Better, faster, accurate screen and tests strategy”.
While Zero TB’s work aligns closely with these goals, its grassroots initiatives support the Indonesian government’s target of TB elimination by 2030. By collaborating with district health offices and community health centers (Puskesmas), Zero TB Yogyakarta ensures that its programs effectively reach high-risk communities, particularly through methods such as ACF. In addition, Zero TB Yogyakarta has contributed to the development of the TB National Strategic Plans, the TB Funding Request to the Global Fund and the National TB Active Case Finding Guideliness.
Looking ahead, Zero TB Yogyakarta plans to continue their role in supporting Indonesia’s TB elimination efforts byleveraging insights gained from the symposium. By working closely with local stakeholders and health authorities, Zero TB Yogyakarta aims to refine strategies and further strengthen TB control measures.